Thursday, June 25, 2009

Maybe it's time for a proper update.

I locked myself out of my car today. Good thing Gina was around to pick me up. I don't know what I would do without her.

Doctor today. I'm completely healthy, minus the weight issue and the constant fatigue. So, until after the blood test tomorrow, I'm just fat and lazy. As much as it would suck to have a medical issue, the one plus side to a low thyroid problem or something of that sort would be that there's a reason I'm over weight and can fall asleep anywhere. As bad as it sounds...maybe it wouldn't suck to have a medical reason for being so lethargic all the time...because then I'd feel like it's not really my fault that I'm exhausted ALL the time and hate the gym. Oh well.

I'm hitting the point in the summer where I want to go back to school. I'm nervous as per usual about next year, and I'm nervous because Nate won't be there to help me anymore, but I'm also excited. Last year was a mess, between KKPsi crap and Neag apps, but when I got my Dean's List letter, it was kind of worth it.

I just wish I didn't have to apply for more loans. I hate the whole process. My father is impossible to deal with. I seriously need to hit the lottery, pronto. Maybe going on a week-long vacation this year wasn't the smartest idea, but I'm overly excited about it. I need the beach.

I need more routine in my life, but it's almost impossible since my week isn't very consistent.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, babysitting 9-5 or so.
Thursdays off.
Friday and Saturday at Edible. If they schedule me. Buh.

In completely unrelated news, this whole North Korea thing scares the crap out of me. No matter what anybody says about how it won't happen. It's still scary.

It's only 9:02 and I have nothing to do. Buh.


Stephanie Gagliardi said...

The North Korea thing totally scares me too