Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It is 1:42 am and I am not sleeping, why?

It really must be time to go back to school. There's just something about 11 pm...one of two things can happen. I either go COMPLETELY crazy, and giggly and silly and just ready for bed, OR I say...let's get everything that I should have been doing all day accomplished. Tonight is an example of the latter.

It's not news to anybody that I want to be back at UConn. Nothing excluded. Bring on the classes, lessons, practicing, working out, babysitting, working in VDM, going out, having fun, Pep Band, Upper Leadership responsibilities...everything. I'm so excited for the Spring Semester. I always say that it's a time to start everything fresh and new, and this time, I feel like it really is. Not everything is perfect, nor do I think it will be, but I'm making changes for the better. I have no complaints, and I'm still the happiest I've ever been.

1:49 am. Time to go write emails, of course. WHY AM I NOT SLEEPY.