Friday, November 26, 2010

Change your outlook.

I keep telling myself that if I keep track of these thoughts, eventually, I won't have to think so hard about everything, and I can just do.

I just read an article about a woman who had a daughter with leukemia.  While the girl was undergoing chemo and staying in the hospital, the common day to day theme was not "I have to..." but "I get to..."  Things that seems so trivial and average became monumental.  
So many times, I find myself saying that I have to do something, even if it's something that very well may be enjoyable and voluntary.
Tomorrow, I get to go back to my apartment, and start getting it ready for Christmas.  I get to see my friends, and I get to play in pep band at a basketball game.  I get to go to a football game on Saturday and spend the day with the best bunch of people I know.
I get to do so many things!
And so, at times (like right now) when I get stressed, irritable, and anxious, I may need to repeat this to myself a few time.

Also, I should probably spend a few more minutes getting organized, and then get some sleep.  That would probably help the anxiety.