Friday, October 15, 2010

Life's tough, get a helmet.

It's so funny how you watch other people, give out advice, and shake your head when they don't take it...but as you as you're in the same position, it's a completely different story.  Being sick is one of these kinds of things.  I've told people in the past that when they're sick, they need to rest and take care of themselves.  I've read articles here and there about how people, in general, refuse to take sick days (for whatever reason) and they don't recover as quickly, and then infect the people around them.  I sit there and wonder why people don't think it's necessary to find out what's wrong, and treat it. 
And then I turn into a walking, talking, coughing, hypocrite :-P
This is a lesson to everybody-take care of yourself.  "We'd never know what's wrong without the pain"-slightly cheesy of me right now, but it's completely true.  Pain is the indicator that something is wrong and needs to be fixed, yet we all choose to ignore it-and here I sit, 3 weeks later, not a whole hell of a lot better than I was when I dragged myself to marching band and a football game with a 102 degree fever.
My best advice to anyone-take the time when something is first wrong to find out how to fix it.  If you do and it's not working, or only helps a little, ask again.  It'll be less time consuming and disrupt fewer things.  Lesson learned, for now.

In other news, I need movie and music suggestions.  Go!